With the progress of information technology, agricultural producers can now use the Internet to sell their goods. The online service for oilseed and protein crop sales allows farmers to contact a specialized organization. The latter suggests numerous offers starting with harvesting, transport, storage and marketing. This distribution service provider acts as an interface between farmers and consumers. Thanks to the multitude of these companies offering their services online, it is easy to find products at a reasonable, even controlled price.

A company specialising in the harvesting of oilseeds and protein crops

Harvesting costs often drive up the price of oilseeds because of the purchase of equipment and the surplus of personnel to be disposed of. Specialized organizations offer this work. This allows the least to offer a fairly reasonable price. The latter have the necessary equipment to carry out the various harvesting tasks efficiently. Thus, farmers will no longer have to invest in this stage. In France, companies in the field of trade carry out more than 70% of the collection of oilseeds. Producers most often entrust these tasks to service providers in order to lighten their burden. Indeed, the service allocated includes harvesting, but also transport to the various collection centres. This makes it possible to regulate the price of oilseeds on the online market. Otherwise, it is important to know that the rapeseed and pea season is moving into early fall. In relation to this, the specialized company can find a storage agency or even play the role to ensure the availability of the products throughout the year.

A company for the sale of oilseeds on online platforms

Advances in communication technology now make it possible to distribute oilseeds online. Service providers for sale are present on sites to offer their contribution. In order for farmers to be able to market their produce without having to travel, the service carries out recovery. This dematerialization simplifies exchanges and speeds up the delivery process. At the interface between farmers and consumers, a platform for selling oilseeds and protein crops acts in both directions. Firstly, it offers farmers an easy way to sell their product. Secondly, it enables buyers to be supplied through distribution. To participate in the transaction, the subscriber would have to open an account with the platform. When registering, he will define his profile and mention the goods he would like to sell. He will thus propose his price while inquiring about the price of rapeseed, peas and other oil-protein crops.

The right service provider for a sale at the best price

Online sales platforms connect producers and consumers. On the same site, it is possible to compare providers in terms of service and cost. Indeed, for the best price for oilseed and protein crops, it is elementary to choose the right organization. The first criterion is the notoriety and reputation of the company. This can be seen from the frequency of the transaction it has been able to carry out as well as the number of its customers. On the other hand, the importance of a company can also be measured by the multitude of services indicated. The more diverse the offers, the more interesting the proposition. So ask about the different services allocated: harvesting, collection, storage and sale. Legally speaking, a reputable company usually has a certification or approval. You can check this information on their website. It is therefore advisable to select a company with OS (storage organisation) approval. Finally, the rate proposed for the cost of service will otherwise be a determining factor in the choice of service provider. To do this, compare the price with the margins and subscription fees.